Innovation runs in our blood. Something that is already good can always be better. That is why we continue to improve our own estimation and quotation solution. Naturally, we always listen carefully to our partners and customers when doing this. After all, the user always knows best what the demand is. So feel free to join in the conversation or give us input.
development roadmap
Upcoming developments and innovations…
innovate for the best
Past developments and innovations…
Q3 '21 MANUFACTURABILITY & CAM INTEGRATIONBy fully automating the manufacturability & CAM integration, by integrating your CAM systems, you can immediately see during the quoting process what manufacturing problems may arise. The topics: Manually initiate …Read More
Q3 '21 PURCHASE PARTS INTEGRATIONDue to the purchase parts integration, it is now possible to: To indicate that it is a purchase part; Manually assign a price; Purchase parts (have them) memorized; Automatically assign …Read More
Q3 '21 CURVED TUBES & SCNS INTEGRATIONThe curved tubes & SCSN integration has made it possible to: Add self configurable “business rules” such as; Automatically adding processing operations. Automatic quotation (via self-service portal and/or SCSN). Curved …Read More
Q2 '21 JT FORMAT, COMPLEX COMPOSITIONS AND UPGRADE USER MANAGEMENTDuring the JT Format, complex assemblies and user management upgrade, the following enhancements were made: Upload capability of customer data; manually (Excel). automatically (ERP => Quotation Factory Agent). User Management …Read More
Q2 '21 ESTIMATION METHODS UPGRADEDuring the estimation methods upgrade, the following improvements were made: Estimate laser cutting have become even more accurate (gas consumption and electricity) + formulas have been improved; Quotation Factory already …Read More
Q2 '21 PROFITABILITY OPTIMIZATION THROUGH SELF-LEARNING PROCESS UPGRADEIt is vital for a company to avoid making a loss (or disappointing profits). This is why continuous management of profitability is necessary. Managing for performance is easy when costs …Read More
Q2 '21 TARGET PRICING UPGRADEWith the target pricing upgrade, the following improvements have been made: BoM export & import for quickly configuring materials, thicknesses and quantities via Excel; Target Pricing with which to compare …Read More
Q2 '21 AGGREGATE & DISCOUNTING UPGRADEDuring the aggregate and discounting upgrade, the following improvements were made: Improved DXF support; from 2D to 3D. recognition of thickness from file name. recognition of thickness from drawing text …Read More
Q2 '21 PMI/MBD SUPPORT, AP242 & SUBASSEMBLIES UPGRADEAs a result of the PMI/MBD SUPPORT, AP242 & subassemblies upgrade, the following improvements have been made: New 3D viewer; Read, show and etimate Product & Manufacturing Information (PMI / …Read More
Q1 '21 SMART MATERIAL ALLOCATION & CAD FILE FORMATS UPGRADEWith smart material allocation and CAD file format upgrade, it has become possible to: Very easy to designate material on assembly level; Quotation Factory only shows what can be done. …Read More